Monday, May 19, 2014

Working with the 6th Chakra using Amethyst

When considering the 6th Chakra center or (Brow)

Realize that this particular Chakra zone governs  our Brain, eyes ,nose, as well as our psychic ability and intuition and our dream state, this Chakra zone has also been referred to as the third eye .This crystal restores calmness and a relaxed state of being while opening up the psychic center in our mind, allowing us to glimpse beyond the present and into the future time line of events, this awareness is achieved in the dream state, while not always easy to interpret the revelations in this realm, it can be done.

Albert Einstein’s many theories regarding physics were discovered by him in his dreams. Aside from this contribution from Amethyst, this crystal has been used for thousands of years to induce a deep sleep especially while in bed and placed under the pillow or held in the hand... This crystal is also used to ease breathing difficulties and clear blockages from both ears and nasal airways.

When working with crystals always keep this in mind that the body reacts to what the mind perceives to be true .Are the healing abilities of crystal due to their inherent qualities interacting with our body’s life force or are they due to our mind’s ability to heal the body simply as a result of what is expected to occur given the proper motivation or belief system (the placebo effect,) no one really knows, either way, if the crystals are simply a motivating factor to stimulate our minds power over the body  and the desired result is positive than they will have still served their purpose as a vehicle to better health and harmony and their use validated.

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