Saturday, May 17, 2014

Working with Healing Crystals

 Working with healing crystals has opened up my eyes to just how powerful these stones can be as they relate to balancing and energizing the 7 major Chakra or energy zones in the body, the invisible field that surrounds our body the aura, reflects the health of the physical body.The bridge between the physical body and the body’s aura are the Chakra centers, though there are many Chakra zones or linkage points there are 7 major ones that are mainly dealt with, these have been identified through hundreds of years of research and investigation, at first mainly a middle eastern healing practice has recently gained increased notoriety with western civilization, just as acupuncture and hypnosis used to be scoffed at by the mainstream establishment now they are accepted and practiced regularly throughout the world..
 Understand that all matter has a resonant frequency or vibratory rate our bodies included, this resonant field is an electromagnetic signature that cannot be seen readily yet can be measured and be sensed by some in the animal kingdom, hence the sharks ability to hone in on this field with specialized senses... , however the aura that surrounds our body is different from the electromagnetic field, it emanates from deep within our cell structure or DNA and it can become imbalanced or lacking the vibrant glow it had in the past. This field has been associated with by Western culture with the colors of the rainbow starting above the head and down to the feet with each color relating to a different zone in the body that governs various organs and or abilities as follows:

the 7th Chakra ( clear or purple) the Crown, relates to our wisdom and knowledge base, enlightenment and universal connection. the 6th Chakra center (Violet or light Blue) relates to our brains function, the pituitary gland, the eyes, ears, and nose as well as our psychic abilities and intuition the 5th Chakra center  (Dark Blue)  governs the throat, the thyroid gland the teeth, gums, and mouth and controls our voice, our method of communication, the  4th chakra center ( green or pink) relates to the heart blood lungs also controlling love, self-acceptance and forgiveness, the 3rd Chakra center (Yellow) defined as the solar plexus relates to the small intestines, the abdomen and liver while governing our self-esteem, self-control  ,the 2nd Chakra zone (Orange) relates to the sexual organs, the kidneys, the stomach the spinal cord, the pancreas and governs sexual pleasure and intimacy, and  our emotional state, The 1st Chakra or Root (red or Black) relates to the legs feet and rectum and governs our sense of survival, endurance and connection to the Earth.

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