Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Moon's influence on our emotions

The Moon considered a planet in Astrology, influences our emotions and our feelings.
in regards to how we view the world around us also in the feelings involved in our personal relationships, it's the Moon in us when we cry at a touching movie, it's the lunar side of us when we fall in love with someone, when we feel hurt or slighted, when we feel overjoyed at a party or gathering, it's the lunar influence in us when
we say we just need to be alone and keep to ourselves.
These influences can be felt with varying degrees of intensity corresponding to the different phases the Moon is in and esp. when this planet returns to the cycle it was in at the time of our birth, (a lunar transit) it is at these times when the lunar effect can be felt most profoundly, Intuitive awareness is also under Lunar control, and our psychic awareness can be said to peak during a Lunar transit of our Moon's natal position. Just as the Moon affects the oceans of our planet, the tides of our feelings are also impacted as we experience the mood fluctuations that we find ourselves in from day to day.
The Phase the Moon was in at the time of birth is revealed in the birth chart calculation, once we know this information we can then discover how the Moon's influence can be expected to affect our personalities and to what degree from day to day.

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Working with the 6th Chakra using Amethyst

When considering the 6th Chakra center or (Brow)

Realize that this particular Chakra zone governs  our Brain, eyes ,nose, as well as our psychic ability and intuition and our dream state, this Chakra zone has also been referred to as the third eye .This crystal restores calmness and a relaxed state of being while opening up the psychic center in our mind, allowing us to glimpse beyond the present and into the future time line of events, this awareness is achieved in the dream state, while not always easy to interpret the revelations in this realm, it can be done.

Albert Einstein’s many theories regarding physics were discovered by him in his dreams. Aside from this contribution from Amethyst, this crystal has been used for thousands of years to induce a deep sleep especially while in bed and placed under the pillow or held in the hand... This crystal is also used to ease breathing difficulties and clear blockages from both ears and nasal airways.

When working with crystals always keep this in mind that the body reacts to what the mind perceives to be true .Are the healing abilities of crystal due to their inherent qualities interacting with our body’s life force or are they due to our mind’s ability to heal the body simply as a result of what is expected to occur given the proper motivation or belief system (the placebo effect,) no one really knows, either way, if the crystals are simply a motivating factor to stimulate our minds power over the body  and the desired result is positive than they will have still served their purpose as a vehicle to better health and harmony and their use validated.

Working with the 7th Chakra using Clear Quartz Crystal

 When considering the 7th Chakra center or ( Crown Chakra) realize that this particular Chakra zone governs our deep understanding and spiritual connection to the universe also our inner happiness and wisdom using the Clear quartz as a link to enhance this universal connection. Quartz is a powerful amplifier of all other Chakra areas in the body and in the crown position it particularly enhances the spiritual side of our mind to be able to connect and bridge the gap between universal knowledge and our Earthly state of being. By introducing this crystal into the auric field in the crown area we use this crystal as a vehicle to reach out and attain new heights of awareness and connection. Bringing both clarity and presence to other previously unattainable journeys of the mind.

 Crystal gazers throughout the centuries knew of this stone’s ability to allow us to see beyond the Earthly realm and glimpse the unknown. They realized that all it would take is deeply mediating into the heart of the crystal and allowing the images they saw to take shape … the very structure of Clear quartz is made up of a highly defined crystalline lattice network that synergistically merges with our body’s own subtle electrochemical energy system. The electro cardiogram that is used by physicians to gauge our heart’s rhythm is an indication of this energy output, Bio-rhythms, our brains interaction of neurons firing back and forth with informational signals that allow us to function can also be measured  and plotted, the quartz crystal’s well known ability to contain and amplify subtle electric fields harmonizes and enhances our body’s life force  or aura while at the same time clearing away negative energy pockets within the various Chakra linkage points restoring balance and stability. The crystal Fluorite and amethyst can also be utilized for the balancing of the 7th Chakra however Clear Quartz should be the stone of choice for this particular energy zone due to its inherently clarifying nature.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Working with Healing Crystals

 Working with healing crystals has opened up my eyes to just how powerful these stones can be as they relate to balancing and energizing the 7 major Chakra or energy zones in the body, the invisible field that surrounds our body the aura, reflects the health of the physical body.The bridge between the physical body and the body’s aura are the Chakra centers, though there are many Chakra zones or linkage points there are 7 major ones that are mainly dealt with, these have been identified through hundreds of years of research and investigation, at first mainly a middle eastern healing practice has recently gained increased notoriety with western civilization, just as acupuncture and hypnosis used to be scoffed at by the mainstream establishment now they are accepted and practiced regularly throughout the world..
 Understand that all matter has a resonant frequency or vibratory rate our bodies included, this resonant field is an electromagnetic signature that cannot be seen readily yet can be measured and be sensed by some in the animal kingdom, hence the sharks ability to hone in on this field with specialized senses... , however the aura that surrounds our body is different from the electromagnetic field, it emanates from deep within our cell structure or DNA and it can become imbalanced or lacking the vibrant glow it had in the past. This field has been associated with by Western culture with the colors of the rainbow starting above the head and down to the feet with each color relating to a different zone in the body that governs various organs and or abilities as follows:

the 7th Chakra ( clear or purple) the Crown, relates to our wisdom and knowledge base, enlightenment and universal connection. the 6th Chakra center (Violet or light Blue) relates to our brains function, the pituitary gland, the eyes, ears, and nose as well as our psychic abilities and intuition the 5th Chakra center  (Dark Blue)  governs the throat, the thyroid gland the teeth, gums, and mouth and controls our voice, our method of communication, the  4th chakra center ( green or pink) relates to the heart blood lungs also controlling love, self-acceptance and forgiveness, the 3rd Chakra center (Yellow) defined as the solar plexus relates to the small intestines, the abdomen and liver while governing our self-esteem, self-control  ,the 2nd Chakra zone (Orange) relates to the sexual organs, the kidneys, the stomach the spinal cord, the pancreas and governs sexual pleasure and intimacy, and  our emotional state, The 1st Chakra or Root (red or Black) relates to the legs feet and rectum and governs our sense of survival, endurance and connection to the Earth.